Blizzard still hasn’t brought back NA East servers for over 7 months now, since around April. Ping has been at minimum 90, making competitive unplayable. What esports title doesn’t have servers in NA East? There’s no reason for them to do this other than greed. Blizzard, fix it <3.
You think 90 ping is unplayable? I have 80-110 from Hawaii and diamond 3.
I play on 180-190 🤝
I play in US servers from UK with 120 ping average, its completely doable but less than ideal. I just dont like how toxic EU is.
I always felt delay but I thought it was my controller….
overall i dont feel like it matters if you specifically are able to play on high ping, or not, however they shouldnt remove the servers for such a populated region that every other game has servers for. its not like they didnt have them before, they removed them.