Ive been playong him a lot recently, across all game modes my win rate is still going slightly higher n higher at 62% now l BUT it is getting silly getting hooked, trapped, trapped again, hacked and slept . A brig also held me hostage in a small room yesterday
Been playing a lot of ball recently and the enemy team will go hog, sombra, brig ana and junk BUT i struggle more against an orisa and no junk but instead a good hitscan with sombra just chasing me down
I play in US servers from UK with 120 ping average, its completely doable but less than ideal. I just dont like how toxic EU is.
Fine i will queue zen all day until i get it!
Play ball and be such a nuisance he chases you around and not your team. Atleast thats me cause i aint going orisa or sig theyre not fun
I never got yhe rapid discord achievement and now it may be impossible
Lucio, i feel like theres so many things that stop him being useful. Other suppies are able to get more value more easily, his ult has cast time and is interuptable unlike kiri or zen or many others. Now theres yet another deployable in the game and its a trap. AND he has the worst boop in the game. But i want to play him so bad cause his movement is so fun
Said brig also got potg and i tried to type “terrorist” but its censored hahahhaa