I gain 17 and lose 28
I’m experiencing the agonizing pain of negative LP gain. It’s like trying to climb a mountain of molasses, every step forward met with two steps back.
The system doesn’t believe in you. It’s a struggle that often goes unseen, a silent torment that weights heavily on my heart.
make a new acc, or dont play ranked, or just dont care about your rank. there’s no other way.
play better
what do you expect
Stop stressing about it? If you’re stuck in a lower elo, you should be able to face against easier opponents and eventually get on a big win streak to snowball the MMR back. And even if you’re not a certain rank, you should be ature enough to not care about a video game’s evaluation too much. Do you have schoolwork?
You gain 17 and lose 28 because your visual rank is inflated and your mmr is way below that.
Thus the system tries to bring you down with bad Lp gains to your normal elo which is 300-400lp below your visual rank if I had to take a guess.
That is your answer pretty much. You can only fix this by improving and becoming the player that your rank says you are.
I was having an insane winstreak with Seraphine, but one day i started getting trolls for 15 games in a row. I got demoted and now i am stuck.
I was hard stuck in Emerald 4 in a similar situation and i focused on improving my gameplay and consistency, now i’m in Diamond 3 with healthy MMR - i also muted toxic players and tried to focus on having a good game despite losing, it’s important to reflect on what you did wrong and make sure to not repeat the same mistakes. I appreciate some games are unwinnable and there are trolls who will have a mental boom and intentionally feed but these games are few and far between in the grand scheme of things… If you improve your MMR will fix itself
would you rather have:
Gold4 account with +17/-28
Silver2 account with +25/-25
Silver4 account with +28/-17
all three accounts have the same MMR. only difference is your visual rank and how that makes you feel
if you care about ranked, probably better for you in the long-run to focus on improvement and your gameplay. ignore the noise of visual rank and LP gains versus MMR. it’s meaningless