First time seeing a Technology Connections meme.
In the spirit of Alec’s pedentry, I must mention that lube does not work by making things moist, instead it works by reducing friction and preventing direct contact between solids. Oil based lubes are a prime example of this as they contain very little water and therefore is ineffective at making things moist but is still effective at reducing friction. Water by itself is actually a pretty bad lube.
Also we’re talking about machine lube right? …right?
IDK this guy, but I’ve watched this video 😂
Technology Connections, and all his videos are as good as that one
I love his stuff. Each video I’ve watched has always started with “why the crap would I even care about this subject, but what the hell [play]”, and ended with me sitting at the edge of my seat, after laughter and intrigue. I love his stuff.