Everyone calling for a trade or firing etc…What is something that can be done to reasonably make this team better in the near future?
The value of our guys are at a low. The pieces we have that are expiring are not even playing, hence their value to anyone looking to gain a piece for a run is not high. While in the meantime the guys were probably looking to move like Bogey, Burks, Monte are kind of the guys we need here to stabilize the young roster.
I know we can say trade Wiseman, Bagley or Hayes but in reality what does that even get you back.
Until we get that first round pick that New York Knicks own sorted out, we’re essentially strapped to even move picks.
Trigger Troy had tied himself into a knot.
Unless some massive turn around happens where they at least look competitive again which is more than possible to happen, nothing you can do, pieces have zero to no value. As a front office if you know bojan is going to have issues you ship him out, just get the frp back and call it a day