This fo probably relied on stewart and wisemen making jumps to be average. Stew just doesn’t have the genetic athleticism needed as he has tons of muscle And wisemen just sucks ass IQ wise
This fo probably relied on stewart and wisemen making jumps to be average. Stew just doesn’t have the genetic athleticism needed as he has tons of muscle And wisemen just sucks ass IQ wise
Stew has shown to improve through off seasons and work hard so I can see him being smart enough one day to be a really good bench piece and part time starter, that being said get this man on the bench for now
Troy weaver is also the same clown who had wisemen over ant edwards. He’s into athletic prospects even if they lack skill, and he’s god awful at asset management. Tom gores just makes everything worse too, that franchise is an absolute joke every step of the way
Every single other guy in the 2021 class that has star potential all had mediocre to bad sophomore years, hell even now some aren’t even breaking out. Especially with cade being on the worst franchise in sports in recent history and especially now? Give him some time. I’ve said this a lot and I’ll say it again. Look at him his rookie and even some games in his sophomore year, he looked a LOT more mobile, closed out games for us, played off ball , used skills with both hands, and had confidence. Something is wrong
Pistons aren’t this bad, they started out pretty bad but now everyone just gave up and you can see this bullshit. This is on the coaching staff, Dwayne Casey would make these clowns compete. Everyone in the young core has been sucking, yes even Ausar to an extent
Which is why I say: give it more time. Look at the 2018 draft that class took years to figure out which was good and not, not 20 games into their 3rd seasons. Mikal has broken out, Shai wasn’t from a guy with all star upside to a fucking top mvp candidate. Ayton turns out to be mediocre asf and not an all star. In a couple more years we will see who is the better players in this draft class, but one thing you can do is guess at upside
Really? Killian and Mobley? Maybe if killian could finish a layup. He never drives or makes layups or draws fouls. Not at all.
Could be why morale is down. Upvote this. Casey would not have these guys like this. That year before we got cade, those guys fucking fought. Bench guys like delon Wright and mason fucking plumlee. Seriously, those guys were playing better than this.
Coach sucked with minutes tonight, nobody can make a 3, Duren went from bill russel to bol bol, cade is looking like Kyle Anderson after looking so much more mobile last year even when a fucking stress fracture, Ivey is iced out of the offense and gets no minutes, vets are trash or injured. Why can’t any of our young players look just average? Oh yeah, this org fails to support its projects. Instead of Sacramento, Detroit is where dreams come to die
It’s for the lakers
Who cares at this point , I’ll watch some mediocre basketball tonight from the lakers and whatever Detroit brings
Lol, pistons are one of many teams that suck. I expected us to be kinda bad, but teams like the clippers that got blown out by our own old Reggie Jackson and deandre Jordan yesterday with 4 hall of fame “mvp” level guys after failing year after year are the type of teams you should be blasting, because you guys actually believed in them before the season started
After seeing all this saddiq talk, it’s why he’s been traded from Detroit
Could’ve drafted McDaniels instead of bey, mcdaniels would’ve been perfect
No team is doing that, that’s too much
People: give him time. Guards usually take longer to adjust. Every guard takes longer unless they are immediate nba ready
It’s because everything is always exciting and good lakers fans barely stomach any rebuilds as that’s not a thing, always have stars willing to come here no matter what.
I know this team isn’t on a good track that’s for sure
I’m okay with the Ivey benching but starting hayes was stupid, should’ve been sasser
This was gas btw, multiple clips helped