Since we are thin at PF, I thought they might be an interesting team to look at since we are playing them tonight.

Miles Bridges is back starting for them, and they have Gordon Hayward and PJ Washington who play PF.

Hayward is a big expiring contract. PJ Washington is 25 years old. Both score and move the ball… And since Charlotte is a relatively young team that isn’t that good, they might be willing to do something if it helps them acquire future assets.

  • heliumointmentB
    10 months ago

    miss me with bridges and hayward, dog what

    we’re not doing lateral moves that make us 5% better

    i think the reason we haven’t pulled the trigger on anything yet is because we’re trying to build a market for julius. the front office probably can see that he’s not the right fit in this system

    IMO: we could bundle julius, fournier, either IQ or QG, and picks for 1 max player (under $50mil). meaning we’re only gonna deal with a team that has a superstar.

    there’s no point in adding upper mid-tier beef to this team because we can’t sign everybody. fournier’s contract is up and we need to trade him. we need to trade IQ or sign him. etc.

    • CashnetoB
      10 months ago

      I’m pretty sure OP is talking about getting a backup for Randle not trading Randle.