• 12 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • that’s a weird take bro. you don’t care about wins unless it’s a championship team?

    that’s gonna be a strong disagree from me. i’ve endured 20+ yrs of knicks being the clowns of the league—i’m down with being a competitive playoff team that’s building something special

    imo, if you don’t ride when times is hard—you don’t get to celebrate with us when we hold up a trophy

  • exhausted from the ups and downs with him

    okay but put it in perspective. the knicks haven’t been a consummate playoff team in decades. the reason everyone in this sub is clowning on the randle haters is bc they don’t seem to be able to just enjoy the fact that the team is good even tho JR is inconsistent

    in other words, it doesn’t really matter if julius isn’t your favorite knick. you can still enjoy the games, or endure 1 loss without spamming the sub

  • yeah i think you’re right, although i don’t think it’s a conscious change that Julius himself made

    i think what happened is that smarter coaches realized he isn’t good at reacting to double teams or press out D

    when teams sag off him or let him iso, he torches them—that’s what made him an all-star

    but sadly, he does not have the Lebron gene of being able to ignite his teammates and make good passes out of the double or press up. his first instinct is to, like you said, box up (even from the 3) and back down

    wastes time, exposes his mid handle, and makes all the doomers on this sub lose their minds

    i’m seein the same thing tho

  • miss me with bridges and hayward, dog what

    we’re not doing lateral moves that make us 5% better

    i think the reason we haven’t pulled the trigger on anything yet is because we’re trying to build a market for julius. the front office probably can see that he’s not the right fit in this system

    IMO: we could bundle julius, fournier, either IQ or QG, and picks for 1 max player (under $50mil). meaning we’re only gonna deal with a team that has a superstar.

    there’s no point in adding upper mid-tier beef to this team because we can’t sign everybody. fournier’s contract is up and we need to trade him. we need to trade IQ or sign him. etc.