Against Milwaukee and Atlanta, Brown has flashed a better passing sense than we’ve seen in a while … maybe ever.

According to NBA tracking data, Brown is averaging 27.4 passes per game, leading to 3.4 assists, 0.6 secondary assists (hockey assists, or the pass that leads to the assist), and 6.8 potential assists (any pass to a teammate who shoots within one dribble of receiving the ball). Brown has created, on average, 9.4 points per game via his assists. 

But Brown has seen a noticeable bump in his numbers over the last three games. He has passed the ball 37 times per game, leading to 4.3 assists, 0.7 secondary assists, and 10.3 potential assists. Brown has created, on average, 13.3 points per game via his assists. 

The beauty of these numbers isn’t just that Brown seems to be seeing the floor better, getting off the ball sooner, and it’s benefiting the team. It’s that he’s doing it all without it impacting his own personal offense so far.

  • basedgod001B
    1 年前

    Our second best player, according to cherry picked advanced metrics, over a small sample size, has so far been a dude who has played 17 games for us. FTFY

    Don’t worry, I know context is complicated, but you’ll figure it out!

    • AmbitionExtension184B
      1 年前
      1. Those aren’t cherry picked metrics, that is every advanced metric we have for the NBA
      2. Small sample size? I posted multiple that show his entire career. To show that this season isn’t an outlier

      If reading is hard for you, you can always as a grown up to help.

      • basedgod001B
        1 年前
        1. Oh EPM and DPM are a comprehensive list of every advanced metric? What about Lebron, DARKO and RAPTOR? Yah know, other advanced metrics?

        2. Frankly idgaf about prior seasons for either player. Your argument is that zingo is the second best player on this team. The current roster construction has a 17 game sample size or a small sample size. Are you familiar with standard deviation? Shooting variance? Potential assist percentage?

        Honestly I’m not even convinced that jaylen is our second best player but the fact that you typed up this elaborate post so you could “link it when your arguing with strangers online about professional sports,” just shows exactly how sad you are.

        Please leave the name calling at home. There’s absolutely no need to insult anyone’s intelligence in a sports discussion. We’re both adults here, let’s try to act like it.

        • AmbitionExtension184B
          1 年前
          1. You clearly didn’t read the post… I have a table with EPM, DPM, LEBRON, BPM, WS/48, RMP, WIC, and kWPA. I didn’t include RAPTOR because it doesn’t exist anymore.
          2. Prior seasons matter so we can check the accuracy of the data we have from this season. Prior to this season JB was worse than KP and Jrue and he still is from data we have from this season.

          I’m not wasting any more time with someone who clearly doesn’t know how to read. I’ve already explained this stuff but you aren’t reading what I’m posting. I don’t know if it’s laziness or an inability to read but either way it’s a waste of my time.

          • basedgod001B
            1 年前
            1. I was not aware that more columns existed to the right on that chart, and for that I am sorry. You should add an edit to let people know there are more columns as it is not clear on mobile. I did read the whole post and many of the discussions in the comments though for what it’s worth.

            2. I think we just fundamentally disagree on the importance of advanced metrics. They are a good representation of efficiency, but I think they ignore context that is hard to display in terms of statistics. I don’t think they factor in the roles that we are putting this guys in particularly this season. I know that they weigh things differently for different positions, but they don’t factor in who is guarding each player and who they are guarding in terms of defensive efficiency or double team frequency related to usage on offense etc. It is difficult to attribute everything to a number. That’s why I trust that if Brad gave him a max deal, he sees something the numbers don’t. IMO he is a top 3 basketball mind on the planet right now.