like the Bucks fans treat Giannis or Nuggets fans treat Jokic. Bro is #1 all time in points per minute, #3 all time in pts per game, and he’s the reigning MVP. He’s a big with GUARD SKILLS who can credibly score at all 3 levels. It’s exhausting wading through Sixer “fan” comments about the guy that range from back handed compliments at the nice end to outright slander on the other. Newsflash, when you’re looking at Embiid you’re likely to be looking at the best Sixer of your lifetime. And I wish we acted like it more often.

  • philly2540B
    10 months ago

    Yeah it’s crazy. MVP of the league and people want to trade him. I don’t know what it is about Philly fans that makes them want to hate their best player. Embiid, McNabb, Lindros, Mike Schmidt. It’s a team sport. Not tennis. No, Embiid had not killed it in the playoffs, because he has always been injured. Partly from having to carry the whole team on his back for 40 minutes a game for 82 games all season long, and he is always running on fumes when the playoffs come around. Plus it is a team sport. Embiid has never been on the best team. Heck, for most of his career BEN FUCKING SIMMONS had been the second best player on the team. You try to win a championship with Ben Simmons as your second best player.

    • amJustSomeFuckingGuyB
      10 months ago

      One of the things I’m not surprised about is mcnabb nout wanting to talk to Angelo even if he supposedly apologized as he is claiming on his book tour. Angelo fetishized the shit out of being cool booing Donovan and now wants to act like he was sorry? What a piece of shit. One of the reasons spike eskin has been so successful is he was smart enough to just not fight with Angelo and let him do what he wanted as long as the station made money.