hey everyone, i’m trying to pick my main and have decided between two to get better with. I absolutely love playing lucio for his amazing movement although i feel bad when selecting him as other supports can output far more healing than him. on the other hand mercy is fun for lots of heals and for rez. i don’t know i’m just looking for opinions. thanks

  • Suki42B
    10 months ago

    i’d say you should try maining both of them, they both have their own highs and lows

    for example, if you mained both you could get out of a situation where mercy doesnt work and change to lucio to be a better help for the team or viceversa

    from a fellow mercy main, i’d like to remind you that if you do end up playing mercy you souldnt be focusing on JUST your pocket, if your team needs your help DO IT as its better to have your whole team alive than just you and your pocket