sigrun / valkyrie 🤨i personally dont like them i understand if you love them
sigrun / valkyrie 🤨i personally dont like them i understand if you love them
or, hear me out, know that they have a hanzo and know that he’s probably gonna try to hit you cause of course he is
i think its valid that i have to bind “no” cause being a switch player is hard i cant really type in the chat so if anyone in comp tells me to switch mercy cause im not doing anything (i’ve been keeping the whole team alive by myself) i can just say “no” and the goodbye i personally use it at the end of the match like i just go “thanks! goodbye” now im questioning if it comes off as toxic
the amount of dvas who’ve spammed “lol” “is this ez modee???” or “winky face!” when killing me is concerning, sometimes its the three of thm in that order
i am guilty of spamming “SOMONE CALL THE WHAMBULANCE” when somone is spamming “i need healing” alone in the enemy backline while we’re all walking out of spawn
suddenly playing pharah doesnt sound so fun (one time a mei put a wall on my face while ulting)
i’d say you should try maining both of them, they both have their own highs and lows
for example, if you mained both you could get out of a situation where mercy doesnt work and change to lucio to be a better help for the team or viceversa
from a fellow mercy main, i’d like to remind you that if you do end up playing mercy you souldnt be focusing on JUST your pocket, if your team needs your help DO IT as its better to have your whole team alive than just you and your pocket