I’ve been playing league since season 3. Since then, there’s been a influx of new players ove the years that missed some of the weirdest, and funniest, builds and things that were once meta.

I’ll start

  • Kassadin had a 95% ban rate. If he wasn’t banned in ranked, most players would either first pick or dodge.
  • AP Master Yi and Trydamere were viable and OP at one point
  • pre worked Sion had AP scaling and could 1 shot
  • Xin Zhao literally broke the game when he was released
  • pre worked Irelia kept getting nerfed. Even when she was balanced.
  • Supports didn’t have a support item. They had to buy wards. This led to most supports not able to buy a full item.
  • Riven was considered to be trash because people didn’t understand her automation canceling.
  • river shen
  • HarmlessSnackB
    1 年前

    Divine Sword Taric Top Lane. Sadly I can’t find any old videos of it, but basically you walk up with his point and click stun, and instantly proc 3 Critials on the enemy (Sword of the Divine used to give basically no stats but had an active that gave like 100% crit and some attack speed)

    I think Tarics other ability might have like… reduced your armor or something because it just blew people up, but it’s been a while.