I’m kinda new to this game since someone brought me into this game and I’ve always play support just because I like the support role, but I’m looking like what’s a good and easy to learn champion for a support?

I’ve always picked Yuumi lately but I got flamed by my ADC and I’m looking for an alternative so that I don’t get flamed so much lmao. Tried Morgana since people says it’s a strong support but, I died a lot in this game. Sooo, any suggestions for me to try? Thank youu


  • npri0rB
    10 months ago

    Yuumi is the worst newbie champion. She does so little that you can get away with doing barely anything, so odds are you will and you won’t learn.

    You should play literally anyone else. Other roles are slightly better for learning than support, but it doesn’t matter tons. Play whoever you enjoy. Don’t bother thinking about strength. Strong champs get nerfed every few patches. Play someone you can consistently enjoy and therefore play enough to get good at.