Most YouTubers I’ve found are really high-energy, just posting gameplay and generally being really shallow. What’s your favourite content creator that focuses on R6? Preferably discussion-based ones, or slightly more low-energy. There just doesn’t seem to be that many.
Thaqil and shior6s imo
MacieJay (he plays Siege the way its intended, almost every videos are unique, fun and helpful … unlike those crackheads that just post videos of them shooting and shooting and shooting)
Gregor (information, discussion heavy)
AnthonyPit during the old meme videos…☹️
Jynxzi suprised no one mentioned him
Gregor does a really good job because he understands and explains the technicality of the game. Macie is great too, but lately i get the feeling that he’s just exhausted. Maybe it’s his chat or maybe it’s the game.
Poxonlox and maciejay
Trying to find a good one on controller. Pc Seige is a different game. And not jynxi
I haven’t watched a siege creator in forever but I enjoyed varsity and a21 Mayo a lot