• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023


  • Mackey_NguyenBtoRainbow Six@level-up.zoneWorth getting back in?
    10 months ago

    Year 1 to Year 8 here.


    - A lot of QoL changes, good nerfs/buffs, and changes the community asked for

    - A diverse number of operators to choose from and play

    - Some new maps


    - The player base is absolutely braindead so you get TDM meta** where its no longer Rainbow Six Siege, but now Call of Duty, essentially the soul is lost.

    - Frustrating gameplay because people are absolutely braindead

    *** means: People run, shoot, die and watch TikTok. There is minimal teamwork, gadget use, site set ups and zero common sense. Mc’Donald fast food style gameplay for impatient and hyperactive COD kids.

    Final thought: would not recommend you returning if:

    - dont have at least 4 friends

    - dont like the TDM meta

  • Yea thats why I stopped playing Siege most of the time now, only like 5-10% compared to 2-3 years ago. In short, what you are experiencing, what we are experiencing is the TDM meta in action and I am afraid that we are not getting out of this like the utility meta. The core Siege player base has been mostly replaced by young kids/teens of this era that anything besides running & gunning are too complicated for them (and I am not even old man yelling at the cloud, I am 23 lol).

    Every time I see someone that say “Oh Siege is not dying, look at the player-count!” I roll my eyes knowing that its a meaningless bump in player count when instead of playing Rainbow Six Siege, they play COD.

    On the content creator side of things, the same phenomenon, almost every of them are just kill montages of them shooting and shooting and shooting again and again and again … same play style across a million of videos … and unironically, almost all of them shared the same thumbnail style (gun + charm), and the same loud and obnoxious personality … marketed towards the younger player base, hence making the TDM meta even worse and more widespread as more kids trying to replicate that.

    Siege is dead. Siege is the Walking Dead, lost its soul and just a walking corpse of its former self.