New Dota player here. I saw a similar post on the League subreddit today, and wanted to take the question to Dota players aswell. I have only been playing since 7.32, so I wanna know which fun patches I missed. Tell me about your favourite meta!
7.30 hoodwink one shot machine
for me is 7.34 e during this patch KK and Necro is really good at mid, you can just spam both of those hero at mid and i made me reach divine rank from Ancient 1.
Agh’s Lab patch.
I’d say the ones after 2018, 2019 and 2021 TI… all 3 were really good for me, since I was easily able to finish all 3 caverncrawls and it was really fun!
Support has become much better over the years, but at this point I think it’s time they nerf the disables down a bit again…
6.84 was my favorite, map good, some new items and balanced gameplay except zeus i think, can’t remember
Manta style axe was my peak happiness in this life
Shadow Fiend with Arcane Blink Abyssal Balde Refresher. Most fun I ever had in dota.
Click BKB, Arcane Blink into five heroes (it gave you faster casting speed at the time so Requiem was nearly instant cast), Abyssal onto the important target (it used to have bigger cast range and it moved you on top of the target, sort of a mini blink, perfect to deal max damage with Requiem), and insta Requiem, refresh, blink again, abyssal, Requiem again.
I’m insanely sad this does not exist in dota anymore but it was broken as fuck if played correctly… you could one shot two targets while everyone else was feared… not the only reason Abyssal and Arcane Blink got changed, they were really strong in general.
The patch JUST after neutral items came out (7.23 I believe?). Nobody knew what the fuck was going on
- The outposts were on the old side shop spots
-Neutral items were a mess & people had to manually pass them to one another. Supports ended up with like 2 actual items and 4 neutral items equipped
And people were fumbling around trying to figure out what worked and what didn’t. No set meta. It was pretty fun for a while