Haha, I did say “playable” not “broken & uncounterable” after all, my friend
Haha, I did say “playable” not “broken & uncounterable” after all, my friend
I hear you. Bear in mind when the first 2 of those builds were the meta, a “good support game” was a game where you had boots and a force staff.
When the “maelstrom bkb and see what happens” was the build supports would always have defensive items and he was far from broken, just playable
Yeah but my point was that
1.) “Fun” heroes not being playable while brainless tanky bois are meta isn’t healthy for a moba game, and:
2.) he was literally sitting at <50% WR across all brackets AND <50% WR at TI before cast point nerfs
I’m sure you’d still take an ember meta over the PA meta we had recently, and the current first pick spectre + spirit breaker meta, no?
100% agree. Like how for Sleight of fist, Many of us expected a change to the creep penalty or to the hero dmg, but making his fucking jump speed look like slow motion feels like you’re playing with high ping. That plus the 200ms ping on his remnants now
This was also back when he had true strike lv20 so it was very reliable too, I 'member sadge
High-5K bracket in SEA here, it’s absolutely diabolical.
Smurfs yes, but also this huge wave of god-awful China players, who search SEA because their own servers have nobody playing. They’re either God tier 300game acc smurfs, or absolutely awful because of how bad CN pub standards are compared to SEA.
Not to mention half of them are comm-banned so they can only draw on the map.
My last 15 games have been one-sided stomps either as Ws or Ls and it’s getting boring as hell
Based & True
The patch JUST after neutral items came out (7.23 I believe?). Nobody knew what the fuck was going on
-Neutral items were a mess & people had to manually pass them to one another. Supports ended up with like 2 actual items and 4 neutral items equipped
And people were fumbling around trying to figure out what worked and what didn’t. No set meta. It was pretty fun for a while