Thoughts on quitting job? I have started an e-commerce business. In my first month I have made about 80% of my job income in profit (which is higher than my monthly expenses). My job is sucking the soul out of me and I have 0 motivation there. One upside is I have a a lot of time to slack off and work on the business while at work.
The rational move would be to stick out the job until I have out earned my job income consistently for X months and have x months savings in the bank. I probably have about 4 months savings right now.
However, I dread going to work every single morning. My sole goal is to get out of this job as soon as possible. I’m even willing to get a part time job to supplement my new business earnings.
Does anyone have any advice for me?
Go as hard as you can on the business for 6 months. Prove to yourself this is viable.
Save every last cent. Book in your quit day and draft your letter now.
Good luck!!! Get outta there!!
Try to change your mindset and know that now you have a way out of your job. Most people are just stuck and you are able to leave if you really need/wanted to. Free your mind and just know that you have now created a light at the end of the tunnel.
I reckon if you’ve got the savings to keep yourself good for atleast 6 months to a year then quit but if not then probably stick it out.
However, don’t be afraid to take a chance on yourself.