Welcome to the daily discussion thread! You can use this space to discuss little things that don’t need their own post. This is also the perfect space for pictures, videos, and links that would otherwise go against the sub’s rules. Just don’t be jerks and don’t break any Reddit-wide rules. Have at it.
That’s because you criticized Jaylen talking about having a certain kind of mindset out of nowhere with no real point and not knowing anything about any of these players and their mindset. It was just a silly comment and you deserved to get downvoted since it was based on nothing.
Then you come on this thread to whine about it. Sounds like you may need to be the one who goes out and breathe some fresh air, since you can’t take some redditor messing with you without talking about how you’ve been watching this team since the 90’s and saying their behavior is cult-like. Post on facebook if you don’t like the downvote button.