At this point, I kinda want to see what Banton can bring to the table. I’ve never been big on PP, but I’ve also never been a hater. Besides watching his unreal ability to grab offensive boards and his solid ball security, I have been underwhelmed by pretty much every other aspect of his game.
If Al can hit a reasonable clip from three or even give some more minute to Svi I wouldn’t mind seeing what Banton brings to the table. He’s terrific at attacking the rim (I know he didn’t finish well at night) and that’s something that just doesn’t exist on the second unit currently.
I am so glad to finally be right about a young bench player. Have loved him since we got him and have been a staunch campaigner for his above average defense. The dude is an absolute weapon 3-D wing off the bench.
I’m much more worried about having a ball handler off the bench than another big. I’m not sold on Pritchard and never have been and it’s hard to evaluate him when he really only does well during Geno Time.
I can’t wait for the majority of fans to have to accept that Hauser is a plus defender. I’m sick and tired of seeing people say he’s bad or a net negative on defense.
I’m trying to watch basketball, not cry like a big thirty-something baby.
I grew up watching almost all of Pierce’s career and seeing probably my favorite player talk about my all-time favorite announcer and the bond they had really got me in the feels. Two absolute Celtic’s legend.
That’s because you criticized Jaylen talking about having a certain kind of mindset out of nowhere with no real point and not knowing anything about any of these players and their mindset. It was just a silly comment and you deserved to get downvoted since it was based on nothing.
Then you come on this thread to whine about it. Sounds like you may need to be the one who goes out and breathe some fresh air, since you can’t take some redditor messing with you without talking about how you’ve been watching this team since the 90’s and saying their behavior is cult-like. Post on facebook if you don’t like the downvote button.
I’ve bet you’ve never enjoyed a game of basketball in your life.
Lol this sub is never able to just lift someone up without tearing someone else down.
I love this with all my heart. It’s going to be a sad day when Gorman hangs up the mic.
If you can decipher context clues t’s pretty clear I was referring to discussions within the sub. Not national media or anything.
My point is that he looked better than I’ve ever seen him. So while the stat line may be a regular thing for him, the actual basketball he was playing was at a higher level.
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. He definitely needs to make decisions quicker when the double comes. He definitely needs to work on it and if he does he will just be getting easy assists or just catalyze good ball movement.
I don’t have a problem with him doing what you said with the second part of your reply though. He’s a superstar. Every now and again you just let him do his thing.
Hauser also has good off ball movement and is a much better defender than Pritchard. They both have a good impact on the game, but both need to be able to hit their shots when given the opportunity.
Hauser is a good defender and smart player even if he isn’t hitting his threes. Like better than average and I’m tired of people thinking he is some traffic cone.
All that being said, Hauser, please hit your threes like we know you can.
Yeah, I definitely would like to see how he plays as a rebounder, because our bigs couldn’t rebound for shit last night. I think there will be a lot of experimentation with lineups the first couple months of the season, though.
Jesus, I forgot how insanely reactionary this sub is.
JB had two turnovers. It’s not that egregious.
He is definitely not a decent shooter. It is a major weakness in his game and something he needs to work on.