So, I just found out about a programme called SynthShell which kind of does the work for you and gives you a nice looking shell, the thing is that this also creates some config files and other stuff in my system, instead of just one .bashrc file to edit. What would be the best way to learn to have a nice looking bash where I can just have a backup of it that I can use throughout systems?

  • 𝘋𝘪𝘳𝘬
    1 year ago

    I personally use yadm

    I just use some code and Git.

    if [ ! -z "$PS1" ]; then
        title="\e[1m\e[31m\n ░▒▓\e[7m    %s    \e[27m▓▒░\e[0m\n\n%s\n\n"
        status="$(git --git-dir="$repo" --work-tree="$HOME" status -s)"
        diff=$(git --git-dir="$repo" --work-tree="$HOME" diff --stat --cached $br)
        [ -n "$status" ] && printf "$title" "Uncommited changes!" "$status"
        [ -n "$diff" ] && printf "$title" "Not yet pushed commits!" "$diff"
        unset title status diff br
        alias dotfiles="/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$repo --work-tree=$HOME"

    The code runs when it’s an interactive shell with a PS1 prompt and just checks if any of the tracked files have changed or if there are commits that are not pushed. By configuration I ignore all untracked files. If something has changed or wasn’t pushed it always prints an annoying message.

    Whenever I want to do something I use dotfiles ..... instead of git ....., everything else works the same.