I get that it’s open source provided you use codium not code but I still find that interesting
I hate Google but they gave us Go, Kubernetes. I hate Amazon but they gave us AWS. I plainly hate those companies, but adore the brilliant engineers that work there.
Google is also one of the most prolific contributors to Linux, and was the #3 corporate contributor in 2022. If you’re avoiding everything Google had a hand in you literally can’t use any GNU/Linux.
Those that truly dislike MS and telemetry won’t.
If I’m using non-free it is Jet Brains.
I tend to use Kate, KDevelop.
MS still slurping code into Copilot from Github and telemetry in VSCode.
MS still slurping code into Copilot from […] telemetry in VSCode.
Would you happen to have a source for that? At a cursory glance, it looks like VSCode only does that if you’re using Copilot, but if you don’t have the extension installed they aren’t.
VScode is proprietary and is a black box. The scary think for me is that you don’t know what the program is doing
Time to run VSCodium
Unless Quake was made with Copilot, that seems very unlikely: