I want to launch Oobabooga Textgen WebUI from the command line with its serial output. I also want to run a while loop that retrieves the Nvidia GPU memory available and temperature for display on the header bar with a 5 second sleep delay. How do I run both of those at the same time?
If I launch like that it would stop at the oobabooga app launch until the job completed then it would resume the loop.
Ultimately, I’m doing more complex stuff and simplifying the question so it may seem slightly overkill to say I need it to work like this. I want to do some container checks, setup, and launch multiple applications with my own parsing flags and some conditional sourcing.
This only part I can’t seem to grasp very well is how to run that little loop and update the header while other stuff launches with its serial terminal set to the same one the loop is running inside.
If you’re doing more complex stuff, maybe spend a few days learning the basics of bash