Don’t get me wrong

Scottie’s growth and team chemistry coming together has been amazing.

Winning would be nice though… is there anything that could put us back in the window of being a playoff team? Even a first round team?

Trades? Figuring it out?

We lost some pieces along the way, but aside from Kawhi I don’t think any of them were that much of a loss.

I think our pick is (top 6 protected?), correct me if I’m wrong. So maybe, we should just be ass and ride it out. I don’t think this draft is particularly great though.

I’m all for team rebuild but if the team decides to do it, I don’t see why this season wouldn’t be the first step. If there are no plans to rebuild, @ Masai, then we should probably do something that’ll help us win.

  • hypespudB
    11 months ago

    The team as currently performing would not be competitive in the playoffs and possibly will not make the playoffs

    It really depends if siakam can find a way to be productive and efficient in his new secondary role or if he will be traded for pieces which will be able to work well alongside what else the Raptors have

    I think the team desperately needs a very strong starting C as we have solid PG and SF positions with og Barnes and shroeder