Don’t get me wrong

Scottie’s growth and team chemistry coming together has been amazing.

Winning would be nice though… is there anything that could put us back in the window of being a playoff team? Even a first round team?

Trades? Figuring it out?

We lost some pieces along the way, but aside from Kawhi I don’t think any of them were that much of a loss.

I think our pick is (top 6 protected?), correct me if I’m wrong. So maybe, we should just be ass and ride it out. I don’t think this draft is particularly great though.

I’m all for team rebuild but if the team decides to do it, I don’t see why this season wouldn’t be the first step. If there are no plans to rebuild, @ Masai, then we should probably do something that’ll help us win.

  • Electrical-Leave-694B
    10 months ago

    Probably a play in team barring injury and Scottie maintaining current production. Realistically Pascal or og are moved at the deadline.

    I don’t think this teams ever gonna fully tank and this upcoming draft class looks really weak however neither look like they’ll sign extensions and if this front office loses either to free agency the fallout will likely coat them there jobs.

  • hypespudB
    10 months ago

    The team as currently performing would not be competitive in the playoffs and possibly will not make the playoffs

    It really depends if siakam can find a way to be productive and efficient in his new secondary role or if he will be traded for pieces which will be able to work well alongside what else the Raptors have

    I think the team desperately needs a very strong starting C as we have solid PG and SF positions with og Barnes and shroeder

  • WorldTwistingB
    10 months ago

    Upside is likely a 6 seed and that’s if Pascal gets way better and Scottie continues to progress

  • Eclectic_CanadianB
    10 months ago

    In order to have a >50% shot at keeping our pick we’d need to win less than 30 games, possibly as few as 24. That’s just not a reasonable bar for this team.

    I think we just need to let these guys gain some experience together and we can be a playoff/play-in team. Anywhere from the 5-9 seed depending on how well the team meshes together.

    This is a brand new scheme with a pretty new bench unit that are all still learning at this stage. The team will need to settle in and have roles better defined.

    There could be some trades like maybe Boucher and/or GTJ for a backup PG. I think that the main pieces stay though unless things look pretty bad at the deadline and they don’t fit together, then Pascal would probably be moved.

  • vaalbaragB
    10 months ago

    Depends what you mean by compete, but if we set the bar at having a competitive first-round series and maybe advancing to the second… yeah, I think that’s possible. Boston’s a couple tiers ahead of us. Philly and Milwaukee are one tier ahead of us, but we match up well against the Bucks. I think the next eight teams are all on roughly the same tier.

    The most important thing is Darko finding a functional half-court offense. Like even when we had a great quarter against San Antonio last game, few of our scoring plays were coming out of half-court sets. I think we can absolutely be a top-10 defense this year (currently ranked 6th despite the fact that we’ve had 3 games against top-10-ranked offenses); that needs to stay steady all year, and offense needs to improve to maybe top 15 in the second half of the season.

  • cryptocaucusB
    10 months ago

    If Pascal and Gary get better and everyone else stays the same, yeah