Like all of you, I’m outright disgusted with how far this organization has fallen. Within a decade we went from a 15-1 Super Bowl quality team that had heart and was fun to… whatever the hell we are right now.

But the one thing that hasn’t changed is we have fans who are passionate and whose heart is in this team if they do right by us.

So I ask, before it’s too late and we’ve all sunk into a state of hatred or, worse yet, apathy for the team we love - can we actually organize to do something? Petition, a billboard that tells Tepper to fuck off back up north, OpEd in the Observer, etc?

I know we lack the power to do much, but maybe we can at least make enough noise to make Tepper uncomfortable and feel accountable? I just hate losing the franchise I grew up with without a fight :(

  • srock0223B
    11 months ago

    Given the voicemails and texts I’ve received today, I’m guessing they’re hard up for ticket sales.