The new rank they are adding should go under GM, not above it. I think their thought process is that by making a new rank above GM it gives players something new to shoot for without taking away GM from others… but I just think GM sounds so much better.
Being a “Grandmaster” at something already implies you’re at the top of the skill tier. And saying “I’m ranked ultimate in overwatch” just sounds silly to me compared to “I’m GM”. Plus we already use the word ultimate for abilities.
Im just not a fan, but I feel like if we keep it, then ultimate should be between master and grandmaster. It fits better there
My cousin was really good at Fortnite or something and my aunt was bragging about it and for some reason my mom has always been proud of my Overwatch rank?
She legit at thanksgiving goes “Stacy, my son is a Granmaster at video games” and I DIED. I was like 20 and my mom is sitting there bragging about my overwatch rank lmao
Anyways, I don’t think Ultimate would sound as good, and I agree it should go below GM. Or they should just change the name because Master-Ultimate-Grandmaster doesn’t sound great in ascending order.
I feel like legend or champion sounds better.
Bitch I’m ultimate. Behold my awesomeness.
UNDER THE SUN THIS BASTARD SON WILL POP HIS GLOCK TO FEED HIMSELF AND FAMILYWell “ultimate” means final so by definition it makes sense to be the highest rank
In that case under M because it’s even weirder to have M then Ult and then GM
They should just up it from GM to Legendary GM or something similar.
It makes no sense. There already is a rank above GM and it’s top 500. Why make something arbitrary in between? Now GM just seems like a lower rank if you can be in ultimate but still not top 500.
Twisted fucking radical is what I would have went with
I think given Blizzard’s strong background in high fantasy, they could call the new rank Grandwizard.
Honestly, can’t they just use “Challenger” or “Legend”?
Agreed. There should be a rank under Bronze since it has room to be split into 2.
Ultimate goes above GM but i agree with you it sounds silly ESPECIALLY that its already the name of our special abilities. Wtf blizzard cant even think of a unique word now?
They could def come up with better names before it comes out. But we’re most likely gonna be stuck with “ultimate”
between that and the green skin, it’s obvious that bobby kotik’s loyalists are bleeding out the game while they still can
Titan sounds good