I’m not gonna make the “Oh indie company” ironic argument here, but considering all the reworks and updates we’ve been getting, new heros, and the insane 2-3 month battlepass cycle, it’s true they’re putting on hard work.

While I do wish they made some updates faster (For hero preference), I understand they’ve been ACTUALLY working hard recently.

That being said, I’d personally prefer if they would make make the battle pass with less content, and focus more on hero reworks, but the games is free, so they gotta make money somehow I guess.

    10 months ago

    Just to clarify: alls I’m saying is we aren’t all begging for new content always and are never satisfied…

    when I played WoW all I wanted was them to save PvP (and they did OK bringing back point buy for gear) the game just got to expensive for my lifestyle.

    I love overwatch. I don’t need a new hero every other pass, the over introduction of new heroes is changing the game A LOT. New maps are always nice . Again doesn’t need to be every other pass. All I care for is a meta shake every 3-6 months. Whether it’s reworked heroes , or blanketed balance changes…That’s the problem with switching to paid battle pass. People only buy them when you attach something flashy to it, so ofcourse there’s pressure now to produce.

    Bring back pink mercy at 10$ and watch the bank acct flood. You don’t need to add a rushed hero into the game, hindering gameplay, when all you needed was a decent promo a few times per year