Mojang has a list of features that they have explicitly rejected, including some that have had widespread support among players. If you could choose 1 feature for Mojang to reconsider, what would it be?

  • FraaaakkkkkB
    10 months ago

    reverse the enchantment nerf.

    I dont think this nerf had the actual building community in mind. they could easily have just nerfed trade prices and raid/iron farms it would have the same effect without adding nightmare building logistics to an essential item. think 1 emerald trade for 16 iron block, and 16 emerald block for a tool or book.

    not to mention that nobody is talking about how a biome based nerf breaks any non standard biome world where players *cant* easily get to these biomes. good luck playing large biomes/amplified/superflat/skyblock. I personally will just be giving myself mending books if they dont reverse the change because theyre non negotiable for the kind of building im doing. my last build project burned through 8 netherite picks on a three week long dig. if i didnt have max tools, it would have been a 6 week long dig for a build thats half as large. If youre digging in deepslate? well just dont at that point.

    but hey, im sure itll be great for the hyper casual players who only play their worlds for 3 weeks and complained that th enchanted tools they found in a dungeon didnt feel like rare enough prizes