If somebody leaves a quickplay match it’s usually for one of two reasons

- Their internet went down/they crashed

- They already mentally gave up on the game and don’t want to participate in it anymore

Y’all think quickplay leaver penalties are solving problems when in reality they are just making new (and arguably worse) ones.

If somebody has already given up on the game, you’d be better off having them leave it and get backfilled by somebody else who will actually put effort into the game.

Forcing people who have already given up on the game to continue to play just results in them AFKing or throwing instead of just leaving the game like they could before QP penalties were a thing.
Also there’s the added bonus of people with not-so-great internet getting slapped with unfair leaver penalties just because they’re not fortunate enough to have great internet. That isn’t fair.

The quickplay leaver penalty system is inherently flawed and an objectively worse system then having no penalties at all.
The game was fine for the 7 years where there were no penalties… almost as if it didn’t need ‘fixing’…

Would you rather deal with AFKers/Throwers or have them leave and get backfilled within 15 seconds?
For me, the latter is obviously the better option.

Oh, and if you think these people give *one singular ounce of a f*ck* about a 1-30 minute ban, oh boy do I have news for you.

Quickplay leaver penalties should be removed as it is objectively a worse system than having no penalties at all. Hate on me if you like, but it’s the truth 👍
Feel free to try and prove me otherwise.

  • ncBadrockB
    10 months ago

    There is really just one single point I will bring up, because it’s the only point I have to bring up:

    The quality of my matches since the introduction of the leaver penalty has massively improved.