I’ve told him like 4 times what hitscan characters are, but he just doesn’t get it. I tell him that Widowmaker is hitscan, and he says that she has projectiles and therefore isn’t hitsscan. I’ve told him what the hitscan means, where you click on a target and they take damage without a projectile, but he still doesn’t quite understand how it works and will still yell at me if I say Ashe is hitscan.

  • CantaloupesRyanB
    10 months ago

    When a hitscan character shoots, the bullet hits the target at the exact same time as when you pull the trigger. Regardless if you are at point blank or if you are a mile away, they’ll both hit in the same amount of time (which is instant). Projectiles, on the other hand, do take some time to reach their target, and will take longer to hit the further away you are.