My wife has built a pretty cool Tik Tok account up to 250K followers. A handful of her videos have 10M+ views while many others are in the 1-9M range.

It’s Harry Potter edits. She does all kinds of editing from the movies and games.

How can we monetize this? She has a linktree in her bio that is full of HP merch but after a month we got a whopping total of 2 clicks.

It’s completely faceless and I’m worried that suddenly reviewing a product might be too jarring. We see a lot of successful accounts that just post movie clips, how do they monetize?

  • Fair-Distribution-51B
    1 year ago

    It’s rough with a faceless account, best bet would be sponsors reaching out to you, but also the creativity program is decent from what I’ve seen for most people if the tiktoks are 60 seconds plus. Maybe try build a youtube following too with longer videos, if successful that’s a lot easier to monetise

  • TheEssentialQualityB
    1 year ago

    I am curious, Since much of her content revolves around movie edits, and you are selling HP merch, is it possible that if you become too big, that HP could come after you to cease and desist for copyright infringement.

    Maybe that is your whole question of how to pivot off of that in order to monetize, sorry if it was I just wasnt clear if you were looking for how to continue doing the same, or if the whole goal is to leverage what you have built and go in another direction to monetize.