What champion would you guys say can carry the hardest in mid lane if you know your mechanics well on them and have a good knowledge of the champion?
Watch nemesis on syndra, idk what rank he is rn but he was 3rd a few days ago and he is making syndra look insane
I’m going to go and say pantheon for the least effort for the absolute highest reward. Pantheon’s spikes are his early game(Lv1-6), almost first completed item, and lategame with his weak point being between 1~2 items, which if you stomp early but the game still didn’t end you actually get to essentially skip his one big weak phase straight to lategame panth(2.5+ items). As someone who has 1.5m points on him I can tell you he’s piss easy to play, stomp and solo cheese midlaners with early game. He also sets up ganks effortlessly and is a good early skirmisher and as you’re beating mid you have the perfect ability to jump and completely swing sidelines(usually bot) to get very easy quick ffs and game-ends with close to no mastery required.
Best carry potential in mid for all lower elos below diamond after which you gradually start getting punished by some matchups.
Play Kayle
Get Fully Ascended
Teamfight and ult yourself for the win
Seems like there’s a big difference in the answers here, some champs carry super hard from snowballing early and some carry super hard from being inevitable if they reach their mid/late spike. Too low elo to comment further than that on which is more relevant.
If you are guaranteed to win lane, somebody who can roam incredibly well and scales nicely, maybe somebody with a bird perhaps.
Qiyana, only if her jungle helps to a degree and said player plays awful. Rather than that, she is screwed by everyone.
Sylas, Ori, Syndra, Kassadin, Vlad, Yasuo, Yone
I’m going to go and say pantheon for the least effort for the absolute highest reward. Pantheon’s spikes are his early game(Lv1-6), 1 completed item, and lategame with his weak point being between 1~2 items, which if you stop early you get to basically skip to lategame panth(3 items). As someone who has 1.5m points on him I can tell you he’s piss easy to play, stomp and cheese midlaners with early game. He sets up ganks effortlessly and is a good early skirmisher and after you snowball mid you have the perfect ability to jump and completely swing sidelines(usually bot) to get very easy quick games with close to no mastery required.
Best carry potential in mid for all lower elos below diamond after which you gradually start getting punished by some matchups.
There isnt. It depends on enemy team comp, your team comp, and your champ pool all together and also meta effects it a lil bit too.
Think logically, if there was a champ like you described, we would all play it and become challengers lol.