Riven players in shambles lmao. Black Cleaver is also heavily nerfed to 24% pen instead of 30% and lost 15 ability haste. Surely now Riot will give her armor pen.
Riven players in shambles lmao. Black Cleaver is also heavily nerfed to 24% pen instead of 30% and lost 15 ability haste. Surely now Riot will give her armor pen.
I think most riven players would prefer the 2nd as well
No armour pen for Riven at least until season 14.
If Riven is left as one of the only brusiers in the game with no innate armour pen/true dmg/% health dmg then she has to be balanced around not being able to play the game at all against tanks while running over squishies in lane with no counterplay. If you allow some sort of tank busting into her power budget, she can be balanced to be more well rounded. There’s not much stopping Riven from going mid lane and destroying mages with her buffs if she cannot deal with any bruiser or tank that builds a little bit of armour.
The only reason Riven is the way she is currently is because Riven is an archaic champion. There is no way a top laner would be released nowadays with no way to fight against champions which build resistances aka most top laners.
If Riven is left as one of the only brusiers in the game with no innate armour pen/true dmg/% health dmg then she has to be balanced around not being able to play the game at all against tanks while running over squishies in lane with no counterplay. If you allow some sort of tank busting into her kit, she can be balanced to be more well rounded.
The only reason Riven is the way she is currently is because Riven is an archaic champion. There is no way a top laner would be released nowadays with no way to fight against champions which build resistances aka most top laners.
Thank you u/MazrimReddit for the Riven buffs!
Everyone asked for armour pen last time Riven was buffed 8 months ago, and all we got were placebo buffs. Everyone is still asking for armour pen but I don’t expect anything more than +1ms from Riot
Sylas, Ori, Syndra, Kassadin, Vlad, Yasuo, Yone
559 dmg with 249 DPS is 0.65 seconds?
Aatrox is fun but doesn’t play anything like Riven. Riven is closest to Renekton, then after that Camille/Fiora.
This guy has never played anything other than soraka in his life and it shows.
Fast Q is not a niche thing and anyone silver or above who plays Riven has already learnt it. In the past it was hard to learn because there was no practice tool but now its simple to learn.
ITT TL;DR: a bunch of losers whining about a simple and easy to learn mechanic that has been in the game for years instead of the real reasons why riven isn’t picked much atm - powercreep, no armour pen/mixed dmg/true dmg/%health dmg vs powercrept armour values from the durability patch.
It’s obvious the balance team doesn’t play their own game lol. Why are we buffing pantheon.