Jovi has been getting a lot of hate lately but I’m not sure that he deserves it. Of course right from the start they seemed to be the most normal couple on Last Resort so we wonder why they were there. Then there was a lot of drama that may or may not be scripted. Is he addicted to strip clubs? Maybe. He certainly enjoys it and if he was single and it isn’t leading to him being in debt I think it’s fine. It would be no different from spending lots of time gaming or playing poker. But of course he is married with a kid and Yara doesn’t like it so the expectation is that the strip club activity would at least be scaled back. But people have different reactions to their man going to strip clubs. I would say most don’t have a blanket ban and would allow their husband to say go to a strip club for a bachelor’s party but perhaps not be allowed to have a lap dance. Then there’s the drinking. Is he an alcoholic? I don’t know. But if he is, he’s certainly a high functioning one.

Of course there are things to criticize. He should discuss career opportunities with his wife and not lie about going to a strip club. He’s like a kid trouble to get out of trouble. He also shouldn’t be texting his stripper friend to come out knowing his wife would be upset. Again, don’t know if it was scripted but let’s assume that it’s not.

But all the comments about him being the worse or that he’s some kind of monster makes no sense to me. From what we know… Has he physically cheated like Asuelu? No. Does he become physically abusive when he drinks? No. Committed SA? No. Did he inflate or lie about his finances? No. An absolutely terrible father? No. Is he verbally abusive to Yara? No. If his main sins are sneaking off to strip clubs, not consulting his wife before turning down a job offer, and drinking too much… that doesn’t sound that bad to me. It’s not like Yara is a wallflower and their relationship doesn’t seem “toxic” to me.

In real life, I would have no issues with Jovi. He seems like a normal decent guy to me and his marital problems aren’t anything unsual. I wouldn’t stop being friends with him because of how he treats his wife. Ed, to me is the worst. If he had an issue with Jovi texting his stripper friend he should have said something to Jovi rather than purposely bring it up in front of Yara.

  • HollyB73B
    11 months ago

    Your bar for relationships is lower than my own. That’s all I can say. My biggest prerequisites to getting married were that because I already had an amazing life as a single lady, I would only date a man who somehow made it even more fabulous (which was a tall order) and that I would never accept ‘if only’ in my thought process about a relationship. He’s so sweet, kind, and funny… if only he was more responsible about his spending. He’s so handsome, responsible, romantic, and great in bed…if only he didn’t hang out every weekend at a strip club.

    • PappaFufuOPB
      11 months ago

      That is fine. It’s your life. But I would say that there would be a time when your partner may be hurt by your expectations. Because essentially you’re asking your partner to provide you with only the positive and none of the negatives.

      • HollyB73B
        11 months ago

        No… that’s definitely not what I said. There are negative traits that aren’t 'if only’s. If only’s are major traits that are the kinds of things the other partner can’t look past. For me, traits that I can’t budge on are smoking, drug use, excessive drinking, bad credit, mean to animals, mean to kids, mean to me, etc. Traits that bug me but I can look past… snoring, leaving dirty socks on the floor, not cleaning the bathtub after he uses it, weed whacking the wrong bushes,etc.

  • GatoradeNipplesB
    11 months ago

    Honestly, I don’t hate him either, but that’s because I don’t really trust what the show is giving me and I think TLC is frauding some shit because they don’t want Jovi and Yara to stick out as The Normal Ones in a sea of train crashes.

    If I were to take what the show is giving me as 100% accurate reality, without any TLC fuckery going on, I’d probably not like him very much, and I get why the subreddit hates him because I feel like not a lot of people here actually know just how much TLC fakes.

  • Commercial_Bag_8100B
    11 months ago

    Oh man I don’t know where to begin. Just because he didn’t physically cheat doesn’t make up for his actions. Maybe you’re ok with your man hitting up and lovvvving strippers - but personally, I would understand the anger and I thing the average woman would too. And on TOP of all that Yara has been very open about growing up with physical insecurities. The fact that she is BANGING - is it’s a added blow.

    God just the bar you set though, has he physically cheated? Does he beat her? I get you’re trying to say he’s not the worst in the group but the lack of basic empathy towards woman as a whole is where you lost me.

    He is not a he obvious cheating, reality tv husband. He is the realistic, gaslighting, heartbreaking husband that I wish upon no one.

    • razorspinB
      11 months ago

      What’s with the BANGING? So, if she were ugly, it would be less of an issue? That’s seems kinda weird. So, ugly girl feel less pain cause they ugly and should accept it? Doesn’t make sense.

      • Commercial_Bag_8100B
        11 months ago

        Oh come now. No I obviously goes for stereotypical society standards of hot (nothing wrong with that). According to what he goes for (he’s shallow Af) then Yara has put in all the efforts to meet those shallow standards. What else can this girl do?

      • Commercial_Bag_8100B
        11 months ago

        Oh come now. Jovi obviously goes for stereotypical society standards of hot (nothing wrong with that). According to what he goes for then Yara has put in all the efforts to meet those shallow standards. What else can this girl do?

        Just because I praise one woman’s looks doesn’t mean I’m automatically putting down any woman who doesn’t look like her. I can’t believe I have to explain that.

    • PappaFufuOPB
      11 months ago

      Oh I understand the anger and I wouldn’t be okay if I was married to Jovi and going to strip clubs all the time but if you remove the stigma going to strip clubs doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect women. But we don’t know if he has dialed it back since getting married. Regardless, the point is that it doesn’t make him a monster. Going to strip clubs is clearly something that Jovi has enjoyed since he was a child. For whatever reason he never got tired of it. I would understand if they got divorced over Jovi continues to go to strip clubs.

      • Commercial_Bag_8100B
        11 months ago

        Ok let’s say we don’t say strip clubs don’t have a stigma. I agree! Let those women GET IT. But I don’t want my person to have to look at other 🐱. Fuck the stigma, if your partner or loved one feels disrespected by you enjoying other women’s VERY INTIMATE PARTS, that’s valid. Not a stigma.

  • Miss_Kit_KatB
    11 months ago

    You’re going to get a lot of pushback, but I agree with you. I think he and Yara have some challenges because:

    • they have huge cultural differences (Eastern Europe + Deep South is a world apart), and
    • their relationship moved really, really fast because of her pregnancies. They never really got time to just live together, be newlyweds, and mature together like a normal couple might have.

    However, the whole “massive fight at the 11th hour to throw the commitment ceremony in suspense” storyline also gets a side-eye from me. It’s a little TOO convenient that they’re fine all season and thrown into chaos right before the finale. 😒

  • peepeehalpert_B
    11 months ago

    Nah. Just because he’s better than the others doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve shit. Sorry but you shouldn’t be at strip clubs when you have a wife at home.