If this team were competently coached this year, they could easily be 7-3. A well coached team beats the Giants and Bears, probably beats the Seahawks today, and likely splits with the Eagles. Waiting so long to reshuffle the o line, and punting the MLB position have probably cost this team a playoff season. The team also comes out flat most weeks. You’re not trying to win if you replace Holcomb with Mayo. Mayo is a good MLB in 2002. He’s unplayable today. If the middle of the field is a liability then it’s harder on the entire defense. I know some folks here are talking about tanking, but the talent is here. A competentely coached Commanders team has 7 wins.

  • ATXthedudeB
    10 months ago

    I agree; I don’t think we need a total rebuild; we have some key pieces in place. I would like to see the new GM and coaching staff rebuild the offensive line, address the linebackers (we need speed and sure tacklers), find a new long snapper who doesn’t skip balls back to Tress and then add some depth at the DE and DB positions.