The reason we lost this game is we punted 5 times and fumbled once. The defense forced 4 punts and 5 FGs. Rivera’s terrible clock management before the half, leaving enough time for an easy Seattle FG was also pretty stupid. Of course, the offense came up short for a 3 and out when it counted most to hand the ball back to Seattle.

It’s the modern NFL. Competent teams are going to score. Seattle was 4/14 on 3rd down. That’s a pretty respectable bend-don’t-break performance by the defense.

We have the receiving an RB talent. There’s no reason we didn’t put up 35 points yesterday.

  • godosomethingelseB
    10 months ago

    The most important parts of the game the defense failed time and again. End of the half, no turnovers throughout the game, gave up tons of yards, and most importantly couldn’t get a stop when we tied the game TWICE. The defense gets paid too. Even without the DE’s its the most heavily invested part of our roster. They are the ones who are supposed to control the game. They failed.

  • naskai8117B
    10 months ago

    Glad to see this take. People seem to have forgotten the first three quarters and focus on the last.

    With that said, the offense showed up when it needed to and the defense did not. So I can understand why the criticism is there.

    If we can have a game where both sides show up in all 4 quarters, we are legitimate contenders. But that may be a while…

  • Acceptable_Minimum_1B
    10 months ago

    You’re right, but it’s too early in the week for this.

    Like I said in a thread yesterday, you’ll have to wait until Wednesday for the sub to start to come around to reality.

    You nailed it, though. It’s not just the agregiousness of the offense being absent for entire quarters with the 3 and outs and turnovers, but the speed in which they do it.

    Our defense is constantly thrown back out there with no rest and the other team in great field position.

    I’d push back in putting it all on rivera when EB has complete offensive autonomy.

    Giving Seattle the ball back at the end of the half like that was just pathetic.

    • mfwlOPB
      10 months ago

      Just frustrating that we’re not at least acknowledging the offense was sub par yesterday. Not picking up a 1st down before the half, that is choking big time. As you said elsewhere, back-to-back-to-back 3 and outs totally killed our momentum and allowed Seattle to take the lead. When are we actually going to bury an opponent?