I’ve been one of the harsher critics of the guy, but it’s become very apparent to me that Jamo isn’t this “lazy” guy on the roster that refuses to put the work in. Seeing him play unselfish, passionate football has really changed my mind about him. He caught a few really good passes yesterday, he made a critical block (probably more than one). I think a lot of us should lay off of him. He’s a baller, just needs to put it all together.

  • wittyrandomusernameB
    10 months ago

    As fans we tend to think all or nothing on everything. But man, take his draft position out of the equation, and he’s been far from a bum. He’s in a weird spot, where his potential to be amazing means we should have patience with him. But the fact that we’re a winning team means we’re not going to trot him out there just to trot him out there. But he’s getting some reps, and producing positive results, even if it’s not always the big splashy plays we want. But there’s a chance that without his downfield block yesterday, we don’t win that game.