If WBG get orianna and azir is banned, would you trust Faker to play the akali into orianna matchup? Faker has been playing well at worlds, but several top midlaners have lost on akali such as chovy, knight, yagao, as akali seems like a champ that requires you to play close to perfect. Faker’s akali also wasnt too hot last worlds finals. How do you think Xiaohu orianna vs Faker akali would go and do you think he should pick another champ into orianna?

  • imperialleonB
    1 year ago

    While I would trust it I wouldn’t really be happy either. I feel like T1 are better playing “scaling engage” rather than smorc end the game by 20 minutes engage. Akali just looks giga-useless late game compared to orianna and T1 would be on a self-imposed timer(kalista too, altho ik this is an unpopular opinion)