If WBG get orianna and azir is banned, would you trust Faker to play the akali into orianna matchup? Faker has been playing well at worlds, but several top midlaners have lost on akali such as chovy, knight, yagao, as akali seems like a champ that requires you to play close to perfect. Faker’s akali also wasnt too hot last worlds finals. How do you think Xiaohu orianna vs Faker akali would go and do you think he should pick another champ into orianna?
Yeaaah, I think I would trust him xD
According to statistics the only champs he picked often and have lower than 60% winrate are Zoe and Karma. This means he can play everything on paper besided those (His Zoe was phenomal though)
I mean it’s Faker sooooooo
Jokes aside, he’s still got the mechanics and knowledge to survive the laning phase. As long as he doesn’t get countered by picks like Maokai, they’ve got a shot. Also to reiterate, his champion pool is an ocean tbh. Hell, I’d be so happy if LeBlanc shows up at all (even as a hover)
While I would trust it I wouldn’t really be happy either. I feel like T1 are better playing “scaling engage” rather than smorc end the game by 20 minutes engage. Akali just looks giga-useless late game compared to orianna and T1 would be on a self-imposed timer(kalista too, altho ik this is an unpopular opinion)
I trust him on Ryze
After watching Faker on Ori fist Knight’s Akali in game 1 yesterday, I definitely don’t want to see the reverse matchup. Faker’s Akali has been great at times but I just don’t trust the pick, unless the Akali gets fed early it seems to be a consistently useless pick with few viable targets in the late game and does way less for the team than something like an Ori.
Faker’s played Akali once this year back in like February, and before his injury-induced break.
Beyond that, I just don’t think it’s really a Faker champion right now.
His individual form right now at Worlds is incredible, but Akali is a completely different kettle of fish to how Orianna and Azir (his top two at Worlds) plays.
I also generally don’t remember Faker really being spectacular on the pick on the rare occasions he’s busted it out in recent years.
Finally, I don’t think it’s really a pick that benefits T1 strategically.
T1 wants pushing lanes and river control. Akali has one of the weaker laning phases until she hits 6.
Also, you want Faker to be on the playmaking engage champions. This whole year, his identity has been the T1 Go Button.
Neeko, Annie, Nautilus, Azir, Orianna, even how he plays Sylas: champs who can set up giant combos on key targets.
His other two backline assassination champs were Kai’Sa and Tristana: using Kai’Sa R and Trist W to jump on a critical back liner and all in them to kill, even trading his life if necessary.
I just don’t think Akali suits Faker, either as a player or for how he plays on the team.
I think T1 and Faker will keep it as an option, but they’d much rather play other champs and other compositions.
I also generally don’t remember Faker really being spectacular on the pick on the rare occasions he’s busted it out in recent years.
Man does no one remember the sick azir ult dodge faker did with akali e against HLE? That shit was sexy af.
Why pick akali when there are other better champions that beat azir and also bring benefit to the team ,and scale better than akali, and are easier to play and less complex than akali, and are less predictable than akali. How about don’t pick akali? :)
you don’t pick akali just because the enemy picked orianna. You pick akali if it makes sense for ur teamcomp against enemy teamcomp.