Gunna enjoy my last evening of piece and quiet. Been a long 9 months and couldn’t be more excited… Now what to play?

(There’s WiFi, just haven’t connected to it yet)

  • Pinoyplaya90OPB
    10 months ago

    I seemed to have annoyed a lot of people…
    I can assure you I haven’t neglected my wife, we are sitting here in a private room, with not much else to do until the operation tomorrow, we we’re told to book in the day before.
    Me and my wife both play games, it’s something that brings us together. I’m super buzzing to be able to say I’m going to be a father tomorrow, but until then, I don’t think it’s too bad to sneak in a few rounds of Vampire Survivors.
    We have 2 “watchers” designated, me and my mother (who is so excited to become a grandmother, and is sitting behind me on the sofa playing games on her phone). I just did a Starbucks run, and now I’m playing a bit of Grim Dawn.

    To everyone else, thanks guys and gals!