Where is the Ap version of Axiom arc
where is the ap version of death stance
where is the ap version of Hullbreaker
where is the Ap version of serpent’s fang

Why is the balance team saying "true you guys are correct and Ap item diversity is lacking for 3 fcking years but refusing to ever do anything about it. The only thing they did was removing more and more Ap items that could still be in the game today and actually added variety to ap builds, like twin shadow glacial combo. And don’t give me the counterargument “but you guys have zhonyas” yea i rather do not have zhonyas but the 4 options above at least available for me. the only thing you do today on ap champs is, either maximising full Ap or full Ah, both for the 1 purpose of actually becoming useful and doing good enough dmg.

You can’t even go rylais for example without feeling bad aswell because it literally gives no Dmg no Ability haste, all it does is giving HP and the Slow and terrible Ap, and now ur feeling terrible ingame again because you do no damage, and you have long ass cooldowns, and now ur not even happy anymore by having a 30% ms slow for “1” second

And now i know alot of people say “bro shut up mages are broken” no just orianna and syndra is broken, and they are just broken because their base dmg and scaling is out of hand, meanwhile every other mage esp control mage, feels bad and is almost unplayable ingame, because they do not statcheck other champs like ori syndra, and they have no item diversity to counterbuild enemies, because ap champs only can go dmg, and that’s it

  • tryme000000B
    1 year ago

    here’s how i would change ap items

    buff crown or lower its cost

    give riftmaker better stats + better build path

    make lich bane actually worth buying ever

    lower cost of hourglass


    lower cost of night harvester/protobelt

    give deathcap better build path and/or make it cheaper

    also yea lot of mages are shit rn but there’s more than just ori syndra, by saying only ori/syndra are good ur basically using the same flawed argument as people that say mages are op bc of ori/syndra. neeko annie azir cassio anivia ziggs karthus swain zilean fiddle are all fine

    idk why you are complaining about rylai btw, one of the only actually good ap items that also allows for item combos (liandry + rylai + obli orb)

    we don’t need ap axiom/dd/hullbreaker. serpant fang of some kind would be nice, tho i do build fang on ap champs on ARAM already