I am very curious to read what other players experience so far has been with Roadhog.

I’ve just played a few games with him and so far I’m kind of perplexed. He feels way less tanky now. I also have been way more reliably one shotting DPS characters with his hook combo than before. Feels like its so much easier now to one shot DPS. Wasn’t the goal of this rework to make his combo less annoying and cement him as a frontline tank??? This feels like the opposite. Anyway, its still very early, I’m curious what others experiences has been.

  • NotACommie24B
    10 months ago

    I think the honest truth is they are kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place with Tank and Support balance. Everyone is talking about how tank is miserable because of how powerful support is, so they are left with two options. Make the tanks stronger, or make the supports weaker.

    If you make the Supports weaker (which I think is probably the best solution for the health of the meta), you are making the most popular role considering queue times feel less rewarding.

    If you make the Tanks stronger, while people may find it annoying, Tank players feel more rewarded for their gameplay. As much as non-tank players may not like it, being forced to essentially be a wall and enable your teammates to fulfill their role is fundamentally boring. Some people may enjoy it, but the overwhelming majority of people don’t.

    As a Tank main, I do not think making tanks stronger is the right option. Adding more power creep is not a good solution to address power creep. Being killed by bullshit like hog’s hook will never feel fun, and will only lead people to complain so much that they cave and nerf tank into feeling miserable again. The issue, fundamentally, is shit like suzu, lifegrip, lamp, anti nade, and sleep dart, and the issue with them is not their cooldown. It is their INSANE utility, specifically in how they interact with the enemy tank. Imo, tanks need more CC and debuff resistance, and lifegrip, lamp, and suzu need to be reworked.

    • ncBadrockB
      10 months ago

      I agree. Stronger Tanks means even more pressure on the role to perform well. Or pick meta heroes.

      Strong support abilities need to be looked at. That’s coming from a support main. Ana nade in OW1 was blocked a lot more easily. And you had to use it sometimes for yourself, because there was no self heal when you went out of LoS. So it was at max 40% as effective as in OW2. And thus needs to be adjusted in my opinion.

      • NotACommie24B
        10 months ago

        Yeah that’s kind my issue. Not gonna speak on hog cause there hasn’t been enough time, but basically every tank aside from ball (who could use a buff) are in good spots. They dont need buffs or nerfs. The issue is support abilities completely undermine basically any offensive action Tanks can take.