yeah, ive been playing ow2 in docked mode, you just need a good dock that can properly use keyboard and mouse. mine tends to not work with mouse. either only clicks or only mouse movements it is very annoying
yeah, ive been playing ow2 in docked mode, you just need a good dock that can properly use keyboard and mouse. mine tends to not work with mouse. either only clicks or only mouse movements it is very annoying
Here I am seeing if people ranked ana before mercy. I was disappointed. Still mercy cause I’ve had tank games where the mercy is just flying around not getting shot at. I’d shot her as orisa but DPS pls shot her.
TLDR, it’s when your team does a team kill but lost the game.
Now people just say that if the enemy team abandoned objective and lost. You need a team kill and lose at the final round people
Oh yeah back at ow1 I remember while playing Winston you gotta avoid becoming the next Harambe. Now that is a challenge
You see when an omnic reaches enlightenment he gets to ride the iris
Words from this one yt shorts guy that mentions 3 features on a hero said.
“Sombra’s ult is just jazz hands”
I miss 6v6 because you can have a main tank and the other be whatever. You only need 1 shield and your team is fine. The other tank can just flank or be another shield do double shield meta(yeah it was a nightmare but there are ways) and then there’s the double dive. No support is safe from a dva and Winston diving
Mainly dive tanks, usually when it was 6v6, your team usually has the main tank(rein, sigma and pre reworked orisa) and then the other tank can be whatever.
Rammatra, specifically his nemesis form. I cycle my highlight intros and seeing that intro where he blocks a missile and revealed those are arms attached from his shoulder and his normal arms are crossed just disgust me. Everytime i think about it i just wonder why not just use all four arms and then do like that Jojo ora ora ora
Hog used to be Versatile, now he’s CC tank
This is the best Halloween skin for rammy I would gladly spend 40 dollars. Pretty sure blizzard doesn’t want blood and gore so that would look more demon like instead
Making the joke on being killed by miners