Loving this so far thanks for the suggestion
Loving this so far thanks for the suggestion
So Im an old guy with the music taste of teen girl…
Haha, nothing wrong with that. I haven’t really listened to her stuff but I know my wife likes her - I’ll give it a shot.
Oh that’s a good idea - never thought to look at what’s been awarded/recognized for the engineering aspects.
Amps and DAC’s have been figured out to the point where you do not need to spend much money on them at this point. Get yourself a clean amp with low distortion and pretty much any newer DAC you’ll be all set on that side. You do not need to spend much on the Amp or DAC. Then from there, as others have mentioned, you can experiment with different headphones. Or, you can just get a separate EQ and tune your headphones how you prefer them.
Great advice for the /r/headphones sub!
I have a Hiby R6 that I use all the time. I also travel constantly for work so I’m on planes or hotel rooms weekly. I love my DAP for that reason alone. It’s also a really good DAC that I use for my laptop.
I just jumped into this rabbit hole of DSD last week. I have a few SACD’s and was looking for an affordable player that could play them through my DAC. The more I read the more I understood the difficulty of doing so without converting the signal to PCM. I decided to download a couple of DSD sample files and configured Foobar2000 to play them as DSD256 direct to my Topping D90SE. I’m way too early on in this to have a solid opinion, but my initial reaction is there may be something to this idea of DSD being superior to PCM with the downside being way less music is recorded in Native DSD. Secondly I am now looking at getting an RME ADI DAC to start recording my own guitar playing as DSD and I’ll start sharing those files. Just need to save up the couple of grand to afford it lol.
Wahoo that’s wild. Also relevant username?