“You forget a thousand things every day, make sure this is one of them.”
“You forget a thousand things every day, make sure this is one of them.”
Generals 2
Nothing; I’ll win by default.
The game I last played didn’t really have a main character.
Nothing; I’ll win by default.
The game I last played didn’t really have a main character.
Nothing; I’ll win by default.
The game I last played didn’t really have a main character.
Just Cause 2. Not the cutscenes themselves (although they might be too cheesy for some people) but the devs added a filmgrain filter to the cutscenes. It slows the cutscenes down. Thankfully there are ways to remove the filter.
E4 is definitely >!Mark, Nolan and Oliver fighting the three Viltrumites sent to hunt down Nolan!<.
E8 will be >!Invincible War, but more cities are destroyed (and thus more people killed)!< since Bob said E8 is crazier than E4.
Oh God, not that Vito buttwipe again.
Only Command & Conquer: Rivals can compete with it on how bad it is.
Allen is too buff for the average Fortniter body styles.
Yep. Nolan killed Alana, not Debbie. Why is Theo mad at Debbie?
Also, Mr Madden is gone.
Dude, you want Debbie to break down even more?
“Would of you”?
Also, the subway scene. In the comics Nolan beats Mark into a subway tunnel, derailing a metro train, they punch each other some more, and then fly the F off when the tunnel collapses.
The show version of Omni-Man’s beatdown of Invincible already turned out bloodier than the comics one. This is definitely going to happen.
RoboCop: Rogue City. Captures the essence of the Verhoeven films, fills in a lot of gaps between 2 and 3 (especially about how the old man is absent in 3), and it has multiple endings.