PG strong at
PG strong at
Caruso is a fucking dog, got more heart than Lavine and derozan combined
Cmon jaylen, Hauser was wide open
Honestly his trade value has plummeted, but I think Brooklyn is in no man’s land. I’d trade brown and picks for mikal bridges and claxton
Jaylen brown is the ballhog in pickup who just isn’t good
As a certified jaylen hater, he’s making GREAT decisions. Great quick passes, catch and shoot, moving off ball, isoing only at the end of shotclocks. 🥰
Tatum wtf clear everyone out and post dame up
Just like Jaylens shot diet 😬
Mikal/claxton would be a dream
He’s actually selfish as fuck. His decision making is also the slowest on the team. Brads too smart to not trade him the next chance we get.
As a certified JB hater, loving his vision right now
When tatums three is on he’s the best in the world
Trade jaylen build around Sam, but unironically
I’m nutting
Please sub jaylen out
Thank god Jaylens out
No joke dwhite might be better than jaylen
Lol get the fuck up embiid, soft as charmin
Bro I kinda hate this iso shit, that has to be a last resort, not a go to. Tatum is making them but cmon, let’s find easier ways to score
PG strong af