I really liked the concept artwork from AC games. Very cool armors, costumes, weapons. Always happy to see those!
Very true!
I really liked the spectacularly painted cars as a kid a lot. The more sophisticated paintwork and stickers, the better. Always liked seeing my elders customize their cars and it was so nice when you got the car of some boss that had some cool unique look to it.
No idea it was like that… Kind of cool hahaha!
I don’t have a problem waiting for a discount (why rush after all), but I think I would be willing to pay full price for Warcraft II.
Not much of a shooter guy, but I did play in the last few years: Half-life Blue Shift (you play from Barney’s perspective), Opposing Force (John Sheppard a HECU trooper’s perspective) and Half-life 2 (first one). It was fun! I really liked all the stuff happening around you: people getting attacked, various alien factions appearing, HECU all over… The action is very crazy and exciting! I even saw Gordon like twice which was really cool! Half-life 2 was cool too, Ravenholm was scary and exciting and my favorite characters are: d0g and father Grigori! I also remember watching family members playing as a kid.
Those were fun! I really liked the concept art too. Very creative stuff.
Wigmund: The Return of the Hidden Knights! It’s not hugely popular yet, it growing slowly but I think it will do quite well in the future.
It look so…retro man :D!
Warcraft III could have been a really cool remake. All they had to do is increase the poly count, perhaps chisel the animations a little (which were already very good, Blizzard had very good animators) make the menu a little more detailed (polycounts, texture resolutions, some sculpting etc.) and voila!
My own game, Wigmund II :D! I want it to be way better than the first one!