• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 28th, 2023

  • Calmly tell your carry that this is a dead lost lane and he will have to jungle. If he replies with, “stfu” or something similarly toxic then mute him. Ofc you should pull and try to leave the lane as late as possible. Then go gank mid or top, or make ancient stacks. Never waste your time struggling in a lost lane. Go gank other lanes instead and try to make space for your team. Moreover, losing your safe lane tower early is not the end of the world by any means, hell, its over better to let it fall cause the lane is pushed to tier 2 and the carry can safely farm it.

  • I am a meepo spammer. Divine 4 Meepo mid is not a viable option imo cause of potentially hard counters, necro, Lina,Dazzle, pango.

    I can now win games against earthshaker mids. Something that used to be a literal nightmare before. Elder Titan used to be the worst counter for meepo but that is no longer the case. All because of his aghs. However, I remember that even a few patches ago, you could just run down necrophos in mid with nothing more than a power treads and kill him easily. That no longer works. Last hitting is very hard cause necro does a lot of dps and can deny very well. I believe Necrophos is the hardest counter in the game for meepo right now. If you’re playing him carry, then it’s literally free mmr every game.